APA | DC Presents: Photo Assisting in the Major Markets, a Zoom Panel
Join APA |DC for a virtual conversation on Wednesday July 27th at 7pm about the realities of working in the industry through the lens of 3 Photo Assistants working in the 3 major photo markets in the country! This virtual event is free to all APA Members, Future APA Members and Students!
We will be discussing the photo assisting pipeline to teching, gaffing, shooting, etc. and discussing the types of projects and experiences our speakers have had on set.
Featuring assistants working in some of the biggest photo industry cites around the country:
Hunter Zieske - An LA based Lighting Tech, Digital Tech, Gaffer, and Photo Assistant. @hunterzieske
Ken Schneiderman- Atlanta’s go to Lighting Tech and Photo Assistant. @kenSchneiderman
Chelsea Marrin- A NYC based Digital Tech and photographer who has worked all around the country. @ChelseaMarrin